On-demand Webinar:
Mission InOrbit
Premiered live: November 21, 2023
Duration: 30 minutes
InOrbit missions enable defining, executing and analyzing robot behavior
“Our goal is to give the people actually operating robots in mission-critical applications real feedback on what’s working and what isn't.” - John Simmons, VP of Technology and Operations, InOrbit
From definition to execution to analytics, InOrbit missions provide more observability and control of robot fleets than ever before. This exciting platform expansion means that companies using robots in production can rely on InOrbit to control their fleet seamlessly.
Whether it's defining repeatable behaviors, such as moving a pallet between predefined locations in an intralogistics application; dynamically dispatching robots on more involved picking missions by integrating with a WMS; or precisely tracking mission performance within one warehouse or across sites, InOrbit can help.
This on-demand webinar explores InOrbit's mission capabilities in-depth with a product tour and live demonstration. Join InOrbit, CEO Florian Pestoni, and VP of Technology and Operations, John Simmons for this free webinar guiding attendees on a mission they won’t forget:
- Mission definition, execution and analytics
- Platform features and capabilities
- Mission-creation best practices
- Live missions demo