Posts about:

robotics (5)

Developing missions

Florencia Grosso

At InOrbit, we have been developing missions as a key feature for fleet management. We’ve worked closely with customers who operate robots at scale and need to understand how their fleet is performing. As the definition of a mission may differ from one customer to another, or even within robots in the same fleet, we’ve focused on building an API that can easily adapt to different setups.

In this article, we will dive into the key features that make InOrbit’s mission tracking an invaluable tool for robot development and operations: observability, performance optimization and adaptability. If you already have your robots InOrbit but haven’t used missions yet or if you are exploring the platform, you will learn how this feature can enhance your robot development.

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Celebrate National Robotics Week at the InOrbit Robot Space

By Team InOrbit

National Robotics Week runs from April 8 - 16, 2023 and the InOrbit Robot Space is excited to invite members of the public to a series of events, meetups, and educational talks during this time to demystify how modern robots are working with society to build a better world. Bay Area residents are encouraged to explore these all-ages hands on robot activities with us at the InOrbit Robot Space, 293 Castro St, Mountain View, California. 

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Open source InOrbit RMF Fleet Adapter now available

By Team InOrbit

Deploying robots is getting easier everyday, aided in particular by tools like InOrbit, but anyone who works in the field knows there are still major points of friction. As we’ve talked about what works in the lab often doesn’t in production. The real world is full of unexpected chaos, from other robots, humans, existing infrastructure, or sometimes just a door that Pulls instead of Pushes. While we’re working to tackle robot orchestration at scale through our RobOps toolset, others are tackling some of the same challenges in parallel or from interesting alternate angles.

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Mission critical

By Team InOrbit

Our newly announced partnership with Barcodes, and the launch of the InOrbit Warehouse Automation (IOWA) solution has generated a lot of excitement in the industry. As we developed IOWA over the past few months, we identified several key features that were essential to the success of the product. The most significant feature of IOWA is undoubtedly InOrbit missions. 

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InOrbit joins Barcodes to showcase the InOrbit Warehouse Automation solution at Promat 2023

By Team InOrbit

Today we announced a partnership with Barcodes Inc. to showcase our new InOrbit Warehouse Automation solution at Promat 2023. This partnership has been percolating for some time now and we’re thrilled to finally have a chance to talk about why everyone should be excited for what’s to come.

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InOrbit Connect wins 2023 Product Award

By Team InOrbit

We are thrilled to announce that InOrbit Connect™ has been recognized for a 2023 Product Award in the B2B Tech category from Products That Count.

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InOrbit Total Support lends expertise for growing robot fleets

By Team InOrbit

With the announcement of the InOrbit Total Support bundle robot developers and end users can now rely on a team of roboteers to bring operational efficiencies, best practices and insights to growing robot fleets. That means unparalleled 24/7 support for robots in the field and the expertise to guide real-world optimizations and fleet orchestration.

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Launching the InOrbit Robot Space

By Team InOrbit

As you may have seen in today’s exciting press release InOrbit is bringing RobOps to life in a truly unique way. The InOrbit Robot Space is part product showroom, part concept store, and part community space located in downtown Mountain View, California. This is an opportunity for us to put our product through its paces in a simulated but still very real context. Allowing robot developers and end users to explore the challenges faced by multi-vendor robot fleet orchestration and the value InOrbit can provide.

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(New) Connections

By Team InOrbit

InOrbit has been driving connections across the industry with our ongoing efforts to promote heterogeneous fleet and data management of automation at scale but you may not have realized how much we’ve accomplished recently. We’ve made a lot of technical progress upgrading platform integrations with various products and systems. While there’s much more to discuss in the coming weeks let’s look at where we are with a quick overview.

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InOrbit 2022: a year in review

By Team InOrbit

This past year at InOrbit has been our most exciting yet. Our company turned 5 years old, and we’ve been thrilled to witness and (modesty aside) help inform the changing robotics landscape. Today we reflect on our growth, and success as we look back at the year that was 2022.  

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